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Kategori: Ham stuff
Publiceret: Fredag, 22 februar 2013 15:54
Skrevet af Super User
Visninger: 23054
I was born in 1963 and have been a Ham operator since the age of 14 with the call OZ1DJJ.
My main focus is VHF and favorit band today is 50+70 MHz.
In 1987 to 1989 I was living in OX Greenland where my work still bringes me back for time to time, so if your hear OX3LX ...thats me too.
Dxpedtion I have join is OX2K,XP1AB OX2A
Other calls I am using is: 5Q7A, OZ1P
My Antenne at remote QTH(home of OZ7OX) in JO55CW
My QTH in Copenhagen Denmark JO65HP
At Fieldday on 6m togeather with my Daugther